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Der perfekte Geschäftsreisebegleiter: Die Oberwerth Taschen im Überblick

The perfect business travel companion: Oberwerth bags at a glance

Der perfekte Geschäftsreisebegleiter: Die Oberwerth Taschen im Überblick

The perfect business travel companion: Oberwerth bags at a glance

The best Oberwerth bags for business are handmade in a Koblenz factory. Experienced bagmakers produce products of lasting value to accompany you to conferences, trade fairs, customer meetings or ot...

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Wie man seine Leica-Ausrüstung auf Reisen verpackt und schützt

How to pack and protect your Leica equipment when traveling

Leica equipment is valuable, but also sensitive photographic equipment, which therefore requires special protection when traveling. We have compiled the most important tips for you on how to pack a...

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Leichter reisen: Effizientes Packen für Geschäftsreisen

Travel lighter: Efficient packing for business trips

A business trip is a multifaceted undertaking that fills many people with anticipation in view of the contact with new people and places, but can also make some very nervous. It requires a wide var...

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Den Koffer richtig packen für Geschäftskonferenzen

Packing your suitcase properly for business conferences

Afraid of forgetting the most important things when packing for your next conference? Packing your own luggage for a business conference requires a strategic approach, good planning and a little ti...

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Unverzichtbares Reisezubehör für Geschäftsleute

Essential travel accessories for business people

Whether you're a seasoned executive or an aspiring entrepreneur, investing in the right business travel accessories can greatly enhance your travel experience and ensure you stay productive on the ...

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Die ultimative Packliste für Geschäftsreisende

The ultimate packing list for business travelers

Your company has organized a business trip for you and now you're looking for a packing list for business travellers? You are not alone. The question of what to pack for business trips is one that ...

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Top 10 Städte für Geschäftsreisende weltweit

Top 10 cities for business travelers worldwide

Business trips are simply part of modern business life. Although there are now many more opportunities to communicate and collaborate virtually, there is no substitute for face-to-face contact. If ...

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Die faszinierendsten Städte für Straßenfotografie

The most fascinating cities for street photography

Street photography is an independent, fascinating and often challenging genre in photography. It is exceptionally versatile and finds outstanding motifs and situations, especially in cities. The hu...

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Die besten mobilen Apps für Geschäftsreisende

The best mobile apps for business travelers

Many things can make traveling easier for us, and mobile apps are definitely one of them today. They help us, for example, to organize a business lunch in a foreign city or to keep an eye on countr...

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5 Produktivitätshacks für Berufstätige unterwegs

5 productivity hacks for working people on the move

Anyone who travels a lot for work will be familiar with the exhausting feeling of constantly rushing from one meeting to the next with hardly any time to prepare or respond to important emails and ...

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